

Dragon Age: Origins Equipment Database: Item Details
Pelerine Slip-Knife
Category: Weapon
Type: Dagger
Material: Dragonbone (Tier 7)
Damage: 6.40
Critical Chance: 4.80%
Armor Penetration: 8.00
Strength Modifier: 0.85
Installation: Leliana's Song DLC
+3 Damage
+5% Melee Critical Chance
Generates Cleansing Aura
+1 Stamina Regeneration in Combat
+30% Critical/Backstab Damage
A masterwork dagger that is lightweight for concealing, but it practically sings when drawn. Unmistakably Orlesian, this is the blade of someone who knows - or knew - the game.
• The Dungeons - Found in small rucksack